Tina SmithDemocratSenateMinnesota11Trades7Issuers$1.08MVolume2024-11-12Last TradedN/ADistrict2023 – 2025Years Active1958-03-04Date of Birth66AgeCommitteesIndian AffairsAgriculture, Nutrition & ForestryBanking, Housing & Urban AffairsHealth, Education, Labor & PensionsShow details
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Tina SmithAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled AfterTypeSizeNo results.Page -4 of 1-4 / 1Show12EXPLORE IN TRADES
Most Traded IssuersArtivion Inc3Tactile Systems Technology Inc2CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS INC2Insulet Corp1Other3