John HickenlooperDemocratSenateColorado69Trades23Issuers$6.93MVolume2024-09-12Last TradedN/ADistrict2023 – 2025Years Active1952-02-07Date of Birth72AgeCommitteesCommerce, Science & TransportationEnergy & Natural ResourcesHealth, Education, Labor & PensionsSmall Business & EntrepreneurshipShow details
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John HickenlooperAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled AfterTypeSizeNo results.Page 6 of 56 / 5Show12EXPLORE IN TRADES
Most Traded IssuersFormula One Group - The Liberty Media Group16Liberty Media Corp Braves Group12Liberty Broadband Corp10Liberty Media Corp SiriusXM Group7Other24
Most Traded SectorsCommunication Services55Consumer Discretionary9Information Technology3Real Estate2