Sharice DavidsDemocratHouseKansas6Trades5Issuers$11KVolume2022-06-21Last Traded3District2023 – 2025Years Active1980-05-22Date of Birth44AgeShow details
Sharice DavidsAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled AfterTypeSize SunPower CorpSPWR:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell1K–15KGoto trade detail page. SunPower CorpSPWR:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell< 1KGoto trade detail page. Organovo Holdings IncONVO:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell< 1KGoto trade detail page. FuelCell Energy IncFCEL:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell< 1KGoto trade detail page. International Game Technology PLCIGT:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell< 1KGoto trade detail page. MAXEON SOLAR TECHNOLOGIESMAXN:US4 Jul202221 Jun2022 days9sell< 1KGoto trade detail page.Page 1 of 11 / 1Show12EXPLORE IN TRADES
Most Traded IssuersSunPower Corp2Organovo Holdings Inc1FuelCell Energy Inc1International Game Technology PLC1Other1